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Divinity Funerals
A live-stream of the service is available from 11am 21st April 2020 (Eastern Standard Time) Use the link below in any internet browser to view https://tinyurl.com/Tukula-Bloomfield

Posted by Divinity Funerals 21/04/2020

Hi Guys, How I wish I am there to help and comfort you all.😭😭😭 Ko e ui a e Otua oku ikai filifilimanako and we have to accept it no matter when, where, what or how. My thoughts and prayers are with you day and night, wishing that God will give you all peace to bring comfort and courage to bare the pain and let's all hold on to the loving memories of our loved ones. Tukula, your cute smiles, humble, calm and caring personality, with sadness I recall. You are not forgotten, not in my prayers nor thoughts. Folau a La pea ke ke toka I he 'ofa mo e nonga 'a e 'Otua. 'Ofa lahi atu kia Siosi, ongo taokete, Chris & Posesi, pehe ki he tuofefine paea, Lepaola B. Vaea. Thinking of you all, Stephanie Moli Tuitupou mo e famili kotoa.

Posted by Stephanie Moli Tuitupou 21/04/2020

To my dear best friend Lepaola, pehe ki si'i Siosiane, Chris and Posesi, 'I he lavea 'a e kupu 'e taha 'oku ongo ki he kupu kotoa 'o e sino. Lepaola kou mate 'ofa atu ki ho mata he peau tupu koso kuo toe hake si'omou lotofale 'o si'i mole ai si'o ki'i tuonga'ane ko Tukulaa. Mate he 'ofa ki he fofonga ho'omou fa'e si'i Siosiane he mate 'ofa ki si'ene tama. Ka 'oku te fkfeta'i pe he 'ilo'ilo pau 'oku tu'utaula ho'omou tui 'ia Kalaisi pea te Ne fknonga pe kimoutolu he peau mahanga ko 'eni si'i mole atu 'a e 'Eiki Minisita Malolo 'a e Pulea'anga Tonga, the late Hon. Paula Sunia Bloomfield pea toe si'i malolo atu 'eni mo si'i Tukulaa. Sis ko 'eku lotu pe ke fkpulupulu mai kimoutolu 'e he 'Otua he ngaahi 'aho faingata'a ni. Tukulaa I met you in Tonga and am sad to see you leave us so soon. May you rest in God's everlasting peace La. 'Ofa lahi atu Lepaola pehe ki sii Siosiane mo si'i Chris and Posesi.

Posted by Salote Pifeleti Tupou 21/04/2020

Tukula What can I say😔...since we were young you've always been the big jokester in the group..weather it was getting smart to Posesi or running away with Sifa to the wharf for a swim when you both knew very well you were told by aunty Siosi to stay home😂 There are so many fond memories of our time together La. It saddens me that you had to leave us so suddenly but knowing you, you always drummed to your own beat. We're going to truly miss you La..next time we're in Tonga we'll make sure to go visit the wharf for one more tulihopo for old times. It's time to celebrate your life now Tukula..Graduation day has come to early for you La but I bet you're loving it, you get the last laugh. LOVE you so much. Our Prayers and Love go out to our dearest aunty Siosi cousin's Christopher, Lepaola and Posesi.

Posted by Caroline Williams and Williams Family 21/04/2020

Pongipongi t'e'iloa eni kiate Au. Ka neongo ia 'oku mā'olunga HO'O Pulè pea Ma'oni'oni ange fau, 'e 'Otua ka ko 'emau Tamai. This is for you Tukulā Mo'unga Iteni Bloomfield, (aka) LA. 'E 'OTUA 'alo'ofa ko e Tamai 'a homau 'Eiki ko Sisū Kalaisi, ko e TOETU'U mo e MO'UI, pea ka TUI 'e ha taha ki Aì, te ne MO'UI neongo 'ene PEKIÀ, pea ko ia 'oku mo'ui mo TUI PIKITAI kiate Ia, 'e 'ikai te ne MATE T'ENGATA. 'Oku mau fakatau folofola atu 'e TAMAI 'o mau kole ke Ke FOKOTU'U kimautolu mei he mate 'o e angahala ki MO'UI 'o e MA'ONI'ONI, ko e 'uhi ka mau hiki mei he mo'ui ni, ke mau malõlõ 'i he'ene 'Afioo pea ka hoko mai a'e 'aho FAKAMUÌ mo e TOETU'U LAHÌ, ke HOIFUA ho FINANGALÒ 'iate kimautolu pea ke mau ma'u 'a e tāpuaki 'a ho 'Alo Pelè, 'a ia te Ne 'omi kiate kinautolu 'oku 'OFA mo 'APASIA ki he 'AFIONÀ 'o pehē; "OMI 'A KIMOUTOLU, 'A E FA'AHINGA KUO FAKAMONŪ'IA 'E HE'EKU TAMAI, 'O MOU HOKO KI HE PULE'ANGA KUO TOKA TEU MO'OMOUTOLU TALU E TANUPOU 'O MAMANI." 'Ofa mai 'e 'Eiki ko emau Tamai 'Alo'ofa, 'o 'omi 'a e me'a ko ia 'ia Sisū Kalaisì ko homau FAKALALOA mo homau HUHU'I..'Emeni. Folau ã La, tangata fotu malimali mo e LOTO 'OFA LAHÌ MO'ONI ne fkkoloa'aki he 'Eiki..You won't be forgotten in our hearts. See you later, son.You were a Blessing!! 'Ofa atu Mei ho'o ki'i fa'ē masiva, mo hota ki'i 'api nofo'angà. 16 Potts St, East Brisbane.Qld. 'Ofa atu.. Fotuika Katalina Senitila Pelenaise Mosese

Posted by Fotuika and family 21/04/2020

My deepest condolences to our Bloomfield family for the loss of a beloved and cherished soul, Uncle Tukula Mo'unga 'Iteni Bloomfield. May God instill peace and comfort to his loved ones who will miss him most during this difficult time. My late mother Breda Tipi-Faitua spoke often and fondly of young Tukula as the brightest of the Bloomfield children. I am sure you are embraced at Heaven's Gates by our loved ones who have passed before us but none more so than by Grandpa Paula. May you Rest in Eternal Love and Peace Uncle. Alofa tele atu from the late Breda's husband, children and family: Gafoa, Maruja, Leata and Mavae.

Posted by Breda Tipi-Faitua 21/04/2020

Don't think of him as gone away, His journey's just begun, Life holds so many facets, This earth is only one. Just think of him as resting, From the sorrows and the tears, In the place of warmth and comfort, Where there are no days and no years Think he must be wishing, That we could know to-day, How nothing but our sadness, Can really pass away And think of him as living, In the heart of those he touched, For nothing loved is ever lost, And he was loved and missed so much God's garden must be beautiful, He only takes the best, Rest in His Loving Arms Tukula. With all our love

Posted by NOEMA's FAMILY 21/04/2020

It is with much sadness that we join the rest of the Bloomfield family in conveying our utmost love to Sosiane, Christopher, Lepaola and Posesi on this tragic day to your household. It is a great loss to all of us but must be a blessing to heaven for She gains a most intelligent angel! Our prayers are that God will give you all peace and continues to keep you and your families safe. Rest In His Eternal Love Tukula. Folau aa pea tala atu homau ‘ofa kiate kinautolu kuo mu’omu’a atu.

Posted by Eleni Namomo-Koloi and the rest of Losi and Namomo’s grandchildren 21/04/2020

Fakatulou atu Siosiane Kulisitofa Lepaola Posesi kae oatu emau ofa moe kaunga mamahi koe uhi koe tokoua koeni ko Tukula kuo ne tatau mai kae folau hola ki hono api malu..Toka a Tukula ihe nonga moe fiemalie he oku ae eiki iate koe mau ai pe. Tau lotu pe mua mo hufia sii Siosiane Chris Posesi mo Lepaola kene oatu ha nonga moha fiemalie ihe ngaahi taimi faingataa ni .Toka a Tukula he ikai ngalo ho fofonga moe ofa .

Posted by Ofa atu Tuikolongahau moe famili. 21/04/2020

Folau ā Tukulā 'o talitali mai homai ngaahi vaka, pea ke ke toka 'i he nonga mo e fiemālie 'a e 'Eiki. 'Ofa lahi atu aunty Siosiane Fanua Bloomfield, Christopher, Lepaola, Põsesi mo e toenga homou ngaahi fāmili. Fakatauange ke 'oatu nonga mo mālohi 'a e 'Eiki 'i he taimi faingata'a ni. Lotu mo e hūfia, mo e 'ofa lahi, Mele Fatai Fonua, Laiseni, 'Ungatea, Sēmisi, Louise, Polata'ane, Siaila mo homau ngaahi fāmili.

Posted by Siaila & Polata'ane 20/04/2020

We are sending our love and deepest condolences to Tukula and family. May God welcome you in his loving arms and you always rest in love and peace. Ofa Lahi Atu, Paula Bloomfield, Ulosi Bloomfield and Losa Bloomfield

Posted by Paula Bloomfield 20/04/2020

Can't believe you're no longer with us toko. Thank you for the memories together at Ashgrove. I'll never forget those dance moves and massive smile listening to Alpha Blonde and your reggae tunes. Ofa atu fly high toko!. Ofa lahi atu to all the family in Tonga and abroad.

Posted by Siua, Lesley, Mosa jnr, Samson and Caroline Afu xo 20/04/2020

Sending love prayers n deepest condolences to the Bloomfield family may God grant you guys peace and comfort during this time of difficulty. may you rest in love tukula ofa lahi atu from New Zealand Halaapiapi lolohea n family x

Posted by Halaapiapi Lolohea 20/04/2020

Dear La, Love u so baby face, your twinkling eyes and loud laughter. You're probably laughing at us now saying, why are you crying, I'm happy. I will never forget your sense of humour, your ungroomed appearance, that when I dare to say something, you look me up and down and say, you're boring Lolo! You always make me feel special when you come out to say hi, show off your cooking skills. The only thing I have on you is my household skills. I'm sure glad you're not around or you would have some answer to that. No, not glad, devastated, shocked, sad and will never forget your loud laughter. Please forgive me, forgive my kids, it's always Uncle Chris this n that, we call him up, not you. I love you, rest in peace my baby cousin. 'Ofa atu Aunty Siosi, Chris and rest of the family. May God comfort all of yous and us, at this time. He thinks he's going to look after Uncle Paula but it's the other way around. Prayers. Dear La.

Posted by Lolo and family 20/04/2020

Our sincerest condolences Aunty Siosi, Chris, Lepaola, Posesi and family, We pray for God’s comfort and peace to dwell within you all during this difficult time. I thank God for the fond memories we have of Tukula during our teenage years with his infectious laugh, funny stories and big smile. God bless you all. With all our love, Tuti & Veni Rest in blissful peace La.

Posted by Tuti 20/04/2020

My dearest Bloomfield family, My deepest condolences go out to you all at the loss of La. My heart, prayers and love are with you as you farewell your uncle, brother and son. I will never forget La and all our memories of him as a kid, he would always leave the group roaring with laughter with his witty sense of humour and able to keep us up with those intellectual conversations. May God bring you comfort and peace during this tough time and may He give you the sweetest memories to protect you through these difficult times. Toka ā ‘i hē nonga moe fiemālie ‘a e ‘Eiki Tukulā. ‘Ofa lahi atu, Bessie

Posted by Bessie 20/04/2020

Sii tamasii Tukula, Manatu melie moe ofa atu ki sió fofonga and I know you are in a better place. Mau ofa lahi atu Aunty Siane, my bro Chris moe toenga e famili and pray God's blessings of peace and comfort upon you during this very difficult time. Toka a tamasií Tukula i he nonga moe fiemalie ae Otua. Ofa lahi atu meia Bubsy moe famili.

Posted by Tevita Tupou Jr, Honiara 20/04/2020

Ofa atu Chris...till we meet again La..for the next single malt..

Posted by Haukinima,Fatai 20/04/2020

Hey cous my name's Billy son of tema and Tali, didn't know you but mum told me your mum older than Kato and mele mum so think that makes us family right. small world ay. Well i .just wanna wish you and your family our deepest condolences and love from my family. Much love bro apologies I can't be there too see you and your family.

Posted by Billy kaumeafaiva 20/04/2020

Toka aa ‘ihe nonga moe fiemalie si’i Tukula. Sending our love and condolences to the Bloomfield family: Si’i Siosi and children and to the rest of the family: from Pesenga, Siaosi and children. Our prayers are with you at this time of grief. Fakatauange ke faitapuekina kimoutolu he ‘Eiki, pea ne ‘oatu ha nonga he taimi mamahi koeni. May you Rest in Gods love Tukula. ‘Ofa lahi atu from Sisifa.

Posted by Sisifa 19/04/2020

Ofa lahi atu Tukula ki hoo fofonga keke mohe aa i he malumalu o Satai ofa atu aunty Siosiane pehe kia Lepaola , Posesi pea mo Christopher he taufa kuo hoko homou lotofale fktauange mo eiki kene kei fkpulupulu kimoutolu aki a e nonga moe fiemalie ofa lahi atu ❤ folau aa Tukula 💔💔😭😭

Posted by Ana 19/04/2020

'Ofa lahi atu Tukula kiho fofonga, Toka aa i he nonga moe fiemalie 'ae' Otua mau ofa lahi atu 'Ofa lahi atu Christopher moe toenga oe famili Ofa atu moe lotu Sione & Latania Bloomfield Moeaki Viola Koloa Paula Si'i

Posted by Sione Bloomfield 19/04/2020

Dearest Aunty Siosi, Chris, Lepaola and Posesi, Fakatauange ki he 'Otua mafimafi ke ne foaki atu ha nonga mo e fiemalie 'i he taimi lolotonga 'o e faingata'a ni, 'i he mole atu 'a Tukulā ko e tuonga'ane, ko e tokoua ko e tama mei he maama ko eni. Fakatauange ke ne toka 'i he nonga mo e fiemalie 'a e 'Otua mafimafi. 'Ofa atu

Posted by Siale mo Mele 19/04/2020

Rest in peace Tukula Bloomfield. Condolences to all your Bloomfield families for their loss.

Posted by Soana Alilia Latunipulu Tahavalu 19/04/2020

The funeral for Tukula Mo'unga 'Iteni has been marked as private.  The limit of ten family members has been confirmed for the service. 

For many, a funeral is a ritual of loss and connection where we remember our loved ones who have passed and comfort the living. The coronavirus outbreak has altered that ritual and changed the way we say goodbye: the loss remains, the connections change.

The family has the difficult decision of which ten people will attend the funeral.  They are aware that many of you would like to attend but unfortunately, due to the restrictions in place, it is not possible.

Please refer back to this funeral notice to
Monday 20th April to receive the details and logins to view the service live online Tuesday 21st April at 11:00 am.

Use the options above to leave a message or tribute to the family or to order flowers.

Following the funeral on Tuesday, a link to the funeral service and a video celebrating Tukula Mo'unga's life will be available for your viewing.

Posted by Divinity Funerals Funerals 17/04/2020