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18-05-2020 14:30=====11-03-2025 22:24
18-05-2020 14:30=====11-03-2025 22:24

Burial information

Thomas’s final resting place
Rookwood General Cemetery, 1 Hawthorne Ave, Rookwood

Directions to here

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To our Aunty Katina, cousins Maritsa and Stan, Wendy , Kathy Stephan and families, Our thoughts and prayers are with you all at this time . Our deepest condolences. From your uncle and cousins in Melbourne. Karvelis and Lambris Families.

Posted by Karvelis and Lambris families 19/05/2020

Cousin Tom May your memory be eternal as you rest in God’s care..love you always 🙏🏻 From your uncle and cousins in Melbourne.🙏🏻❤️

Posted by Cousin, May your memory be eternal as you rest in Gods care. 19/05/2020

Sending our deepest condolences, love and prayers to the Zioudros family , He was a loving son, husband, Father, Brother, father in-law and Grandfather Tom Zioudros. You're free now no more pain fly high, you'll be forever sadly missed. Thoughts and prays are with Wendy, Stephan, Kathy, their partners and kids as well as everyone else.

Posted by Marija & Michael 17/05/2020

Sending our deepest condolences, love and prayers to the Zioudros family , He was a loving son, husband, Father, Brother, father in-law and Grandfather Tom Zioudros. You're free now no more pain fly high, you'll be forever sadly missed. Thoughts and prays are with Wendy, Stephan, Kathy, their partners and kids as well as everyone else.

Posted by Marija & Michael 17/05/2020

Deeply sorry to hear of Toms passing, May he Rest in peace. No more pain, He Is Gone to a good place and I know he will be looking down on you all. Thoughts go out to all the family.

Posted by Rajko Slemnik 17/05/2020

May memories of Tom and the love of family surround you and give you strength in the days ahead. Thinking of you and wishing you peace and comfort as you remember Tom Wishing you peace to bring comfort, courage to face the days ahead and loving memories to forever hold in your heart. We would like to send our love & condolences to Toms lovely wife Wendy, his amazing son Steven, his beautiful daughter inlaw Tatyana & his gorgeous grandkids Brody & Aemelia. I bet his sitting in heaven now watching you's & I know he would be so proud of you's all. Love kyle & Riana

Posted by Kyle & Riana 17/05/2020

Dear Tom I am so saddened to hear of your passing, I pray you are now free of pain and reunited with your loved ones who have passed before you. To Stephen, tat, Brody,Amelia and Wendy I am so sorry for your loss of a father,father-in-law, poppy and husband sending our deepest condolences and prayers to get through this heartbreaking time, Stephen be proud of the young family man you are and how proud your dad must be of the young man you have grown into by the guidance of your beautiful father Tom god bless you all and may your dad's soul rest in peace xxxx

Posted by Lizzy, Armani, Kristie, Jack and Sophia xxx 15/05/2020

For many, a funeral is a ritual of loss and connection where we remember our loved ones who have passed and comfort the living. The coronavirus outbreak has altered that ritual and changed the way we say goodbye: the loss remains, the connections change.

The family has the difficult decision of which twenty people will attend the funeral.  They are aware that many of you would like to attend but unfortunately, due to the restrictions in place, it is not possible.

Following the funeral service, a tribute to celebrate the life of Thomas will appear on this funeral link.

Posted by Kathy Ballhouse 14/05/2020