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12-11-2020 14:30=====15-01-2025 02:53
12-11-2020 14:30=====15-01-2025 02:53

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Divna’s final resting place
Catholic Cemeteries and Crematoria Barnet Ave Rookwood NSW 2141

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The Latin sentence says "nomen est omen", the name is a sign… Divna's Croatian name speaks for itself: in English it means Wonderful! Our dear Divna Bolanča, born Antić, was a great and strong woman who, as a young women, bravely set off with her beautiful family to the new world of Australia. We will always keep memories of your personality, wide and sonorous laught, love and friendship. You are in our thoughts, our hearts and our prayers. Our dear Divna, "...the angels took you to heaven, on your arrival the martyrs received you! And they took you to the holy city, the heavenly Jerusalem. The choir of angels received you and you with Lazarus, had eternal peace!..." In sorrow and in thoughts with your Bolanca family, we remember you Divna: your sister Anka Joković relatives and friends Zdravka Mudronja and Nada Bujas Slipčević with their families

Posted by Nada Bujas Slipcevic 13/11/2020

Mladen Bruning
I would like to bid a tender farewell from this world to our lovely “teta” Divna. She was the best Croatian “aunty” and “baka” we could have in Sydney when most of our relatives were in Europe. Divna really was one of those larger than life characters we cherish in our memories, and mine in particular is etched with her role in my childhood and upbringing. She was truly generous of spirit. You always knew you would be fed real well with a visit to Jure and Divna’s! Her kitchen had wonderful smells, and terrific noises and lots of chatter. And sometimes I’d be shooed away just with that raising of her eyebrow, which clearly warned it was not time to eat just yet. Sometimes there was a curt “Get lost!” To be honest I didn’t like squid that much as a child, but now when I go to the Croatian coast and seek out “lignje” I feel it was Divna’s Dalmatian cooking influence that gave me that smell and taste for seafood. (My family was from the inland.) And her cakes were always delicious too! Many a time would a Divna kifla or fritula satisfy my insatiable sweet tooth. I remember Saturday nights at the Bolančas in Berala and Auburn where we had Bill Collins on the tellie, and the adults would sit at one table and the kids would sit together at another. Later in the evening you felt you had made it with the grown-ups when you could sit at the big table and listen to the adults chatter in Croatian and laugh at their banter. Divna’s laugh in particular was infectious and she was always quick to share a joke. Later when the Bolanča family moved to west Ryde I had grown up and been elevated to the adult table and was fortunate to practise my Croatian with Divna. Although I had left Australia later in my 20s, when I returned to Sydney for my holidays and I could visit the Bolančas there was always another generation of the family emerging, flocking around their grandmother and great grandmother. What a lovely to sight to see! Rest in peace dear Divna - we will miss you. Pokoj vječni daruj joj Gospodine!

Posted by Mladen Bruning 13/11/2020

For many, a funeral is a ritual of loss and connection where we remember our loved ones who have passed and comfort the living.  The corona-virus outbreak has altered that ritual and changed the way we say goodbye: the loss remains, the connections change.

The new relaxing of restrictions allows 150 mourners inside the church as long as social distancing rules are followed.

Please click on the RSVP link to help the family with numbers or call Divinity Funerals on 9718 8878 to express your desire to attend the service of Divna.

Posted by Divinity Funerals Funerals 10/11/2020