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28-05-2023 14:30=====13-02-2025 08:38
28-05-2023 14:30=====13-02-2025 08:38

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A tribute in honour of the
Late Anthony Pun. 
🕯May his memory be eternal🕯

Posted by Divinity Funerals 29/05/2023

Divinity Funerals

To view the live-stream click on the blue link below:

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Posted by Divinity Funerals 23/05/2023

It's shocking and unbelievably that our beloved Dr Tony Pun who was a mentor, great friend, great community leader, great supporter of our little family during our difficult time back to few years ago passed away unexpectedly yesterday.😭😭😭


He always kept fun for all the conversation, big heart, great humour and positive person!

I glad that I met him last year in Sydney. It was the first time and the last time in person. I never forget his smile and his good gesture to me and my little family! Always grateful!

Uncle Tony, you no longer suffered your sickness and  joined Yen Yung.in heaven!

I think you guys probably would have a long chat soon. 


Uncle, thx for supporting us all along! We are going to miss you greatly! Rest in peace! 



Mei Khing & the kids (Joyce, Michelle & Edwin)


Posted by Mei Khing from Adelaide 31/05/2023

Vale Anthony Pun OAM,

thanks for your contribution to the Australian Chinese Community. I was an oversea student from China. You introduced democracy, human rights to lots of Chinese from mainland China. Thanks.


Posted by Tony Zheng 29/05/2023

Vale Uncle Tony

I have been doing a lot of thinking and remember many times when we used to sit and just talk about Chinese community issues. I will miss you uncle Tony and will always remember all the words of wisdom you shared. You are missed and loved. I/we stand on your shoulders and hope to carry on the work. 


Posted by Erin Wen Ai Chew 28/05/2023

Vale: Dr. Anthony Pun

On behalf of the ASIAN AUSTRALIAN ALLIANCE (AAA)  directors, conveners and organisers, we would like to send our condolences and our deepest thoughts and feelings to the Pun family.

AAA was established in 2013, and in its initial stages of setup, influential and impactful community leaders were consulted. Dr. Pun was one of the community leaders who offered sound advice, encouragement and words of wisdom which have brought AAA to what it is today. 

We acknowledge and will remember all the work Dr. Pun has contributed to the advancement of not only the Chinese communities in Australia but also the Asian and the multicultural communities in Australia. His persistence, perseverance, strategic mind and compassion over decades of community work, development and mobilisation has allowed many of us who are contributing to the communities to thrive.

We thank you for your commitment to the community and we all stand on your shoulders. 

Rest In Peace.



Posted by ASIAN AUSTRALIAN ALLIANCE - via Erin Chew 28/05/2023

Vale Tony

I admire you life long standing up for social justice. You are a lightning star shine in the dark corner of Southern Cross.

Posted by leimin chen 24/05/2023

So sad to hear. A life well lived and causes well advocated. We will miss his voice, his insight and his enthusiasm. Long Life to family and friends

Posted by Andrew Jakubowicz 22/05/2023

You are one of a kind Tony - remembered for so many years of community service and advocacy. Farewell my friend RIP.

Posted by Daphne Lowe Kelley 22/05/2023

Vale Tony 

I am the better for knowing you. Rest in Peace Good Friend

Posted by James Moshides 21/05/2023

Vale Tony

There are memories of worthwhile times working together for the Chinese Community

It was an unique experience

You are no longer in pain


Posted by Rosetta Kai Sung 21/05/2023

With teardrops running down my face, I bid you farewell Counsellor. See you in heaven, buddy. So painful to have you leave early. I will miss you.

Posted by Steve K 20/05/2023