18-04-2024 14:30=====07-03-2025 14:22
18-04-2024 14:30=====07-03-2025 14:22

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Tiago Magalhaes

Um dos pais mais presentes que tive o previlegio de conhecer, nao sou pai e se um dia ser pai o Bruno vai ser a minha maior inspiracao.  Bruno foi um dos primeiros Brasileiros que conheci na Australia, te conheci trabalhando nos cavalinhos e convivemos por 10 anos na Maroubra, saudades das epocas de ir surfar Vodoo, Sandonpoint, comprar prancha em Manly, conversando e brincando na viagem.  Sua prioridade era a familia depois o surfe, amava o surfe e como foi bonito ver seus filhos cresceram com voce surfando, sua esposa Giovanna muito boa pessoa, sempre atenciosa, presente, Bruno e Giovanna fazem um casal muito bonito e que todos admiravam! Saudades Bruno e familia. Tiago

The most inspiring father I had the privilege to know.  I am not a father but if one day I become one, Bruno will be my biggest inspiration.  Bruno is one of the first Brazilians I met in Australia, we met while working with the race horses in Randwick. It was 10 years in Maroubra, miss those times surfing Voodoo, Sandonpoint, going to buy surfboards in Manly, we were always laughing and having fun on the road trip.  Bruno's priority was family and surfing second, loved surfing, it was beautiful seeing your kids grow up surfing with you, Giovanna, such a kind person, was always there for us.  Bruno and Giovanna, you are a beautiful couplem, admired by everybody.  Miss you guys.  Tiago

Posted by Tiago Magalhaes 19/04/2024

Sheila e Junior

Death is a certainty, but it continues to surprise us when it arrives without warning and takes away a person as dear as our friend, husband and father Bruno, who we admire for everything he did and achieved in life, he leaves great lessons to his beautiful children!

These photos are of good and great moments we all spent together!

Gio my dear friend, Luquinha and Mateus lots of strength God is with you always! We love you, we miss you Sheila and Junior

Posted by Sheila e Junior 18/04/2024


2011 south coast

Posted by JEFFERSON LIMA 17/04/2024