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A tribute in honour of the Late Carol-Anne D'ambrosi

🕯May her memory be eternal🕯

Posted by Divinity Funerals 22/08/2021

Divinity Funerals

Order of Service

Welcome - Denné Cruz

Prayer - May You Always Walk in Sunshine


Clare Bowen
Jay King
Luciano D’Ambrosi

A celebration of Carol-Anne’s life in pictures

Poem - Remember Me

Committal - Denné Cruz


May You Always Walk In Sunshine
May you always walk in sunshine
and God’s love around you flow,
for the happiness you gave us,
no one will ever know.
It broke our hearts to lose you,
but you did not go alone,
a part of us went with you,
the day God called you home.
A million times we needed you,
a million times we’ve cried.
If love could only have saved you,
you never would have died.
The Lord be with you and
may you rest in peace.



To the living, I am gone,
To the sorrowful, I will never return,
To the angry, I was cheated,
But to the happy, I am at peace,
And to the faithful, I have never left.

I cannot speak, but I can listen.
I cannot be seen, but I can be heard.
So as you stand upon a shore gazing at a beautiful sea,
As you look upon a flow and admire its simplicity,
Remember me.

Remember me in your heart:
Your thoughts, and your memories,
Of the times we loved,
The times we cried,
The times we fought,
The times we laughed.
For if you always think of me, I will never have gone.

Margaret Mead

Posted by Divinity Funerals 21/08/2021

Dear Friends and Relatives,
The Funeral Service for the Late Carol-Anne will start at approximately 11 am

May her memory be eternal.

Posted by Divinity Funerals 18/08/2021

Divinity Funerals

Dear Friends and Relatives,
In lieu of flowers, the family would be appreciative of any donations made to the RSPCA.
Please use the link below to make a donation


Thank you for donating in Carol-Anne's memory.

Posted by Divinity Funerals 18/08/2021

Rest in Peace Carol-Ann Niven. Love you always.  

Posted by Big Cuz , Sharon & Autumn xxxx 23/08/2021

My darling CA, life won’t be the same without you but I know you will always be watching over us. Rest In Peace angel face. Xx

Posted by Clare 22/08/2021

Reast in peace Carol-Ann a beautiful person inside and out. Lots of love Annie & Kids xxx

Posted by Annie Reid 22/08/2021

Rest in peace big cuz always in our thoughts lots of love an big hugs carolanne Andy an reece leah an wee Andy ❤

Posted by Carolanne 21/08/2021

Such a beautiful soul - I’ll never forget the day I spoke to you with my pathetic Scottish accent - we were instantly friends and you’ll always be in my memories- rest easy beautiful CA x

Posted by Alison 21/08/2021

You be missed cuz love u always xxx rest in peace 🙏🙏🙏❤️

Posted by Michael McMillan 21/8/21 21/08/2021

God bless, rest in peace beautiful Carol anne ❤

Posted by Anne-Marie 21/08/2021

Rest in peace beautiful angel love Kathleen and John and family xx❤️

Posted by Kathleen and John 21/08/2021

Tash MacDonald
Life is not the same without you in it, gone but never forgotten. Xx

Posted by Tash MacDonald 21/08/2021

You will be dearly missed, your smile, laughter and friendship. We know you are in Gods memory, the safest hands you could be in. Revelation 21:4 Looking forward to the time we can see you again with tears of joy and happiness.

Posted by Greg and Mary Wilson 21/08/2021

What a beautiful lady, a stunning bride, she will be fondly remembered. Always in our hearts. xx

Posted by Bud & Moira 21/08/2021

All our love you feisty lady, you gave the world your best & fought like a champion, incredible CA.❤️ Mike, Ruth Mackenzie & Riley

Posted by Mike Ruth Mackenzie Riley 21/08/2021

To CA, a courageous, fiercely clever, funny and beautiful woman. Always loved xx

Posted by Judy and Roy 21/08/2021

Love and miss you so much auntie Carolanne ❤️. Lots of love Lauren xxx

Posted by Lauren 21/08/2021

CA...You always lit up every room with your beautiful smile. We will keep you in our hearts and remember all the laughs forever xxxx

Posted by Simon, Karen, Scarlett & Lola 21/08/2021

Thinking of you always. Love, hugs and huge glasses of wine forever xxxxx

Posted by Lyndsay 21/08/2021

Rip Auntie carol-Anne sleep tight🙏🏼 Wee Tony, Dean and Payton ❤️Xxx

Posted by Tony 21/08/2021

Auntie Carolanne love u and will never forget you ❤️ Love Cheryl and Lucy xxx

Posted by Cheryl 21/08/2021

To Auntie Carolanne gonna miss you so much sleep tight ❤️ Cameron

Posted by Cameron Niven 21/08/2021

Love and miss you so much auntie Caroline ❤️. Lots of love Lauren xxxx

Posted by Lauren 21/08/2021

My beautiful daughter and little sister to Pammy we are all heartbroken, devastated and will miss you so much. Love you hen xx mum and Pammy xxxxx

Posted by Mum and pammy 20/08/2021

To my beautiful wee sis I’ll never forget you, love and gonna miss you so much, your big brother Tony xxxx

Posted by Tony 20/08/2021

Margaret Niven
To my beautiful, Amazing and courageous sister you fought so hard. My heart is broken I love you so so much RIP little sis xxxx

Posted by Margaret Niven 19/08/2021

For many, a funeral is a ritual of loss and connection where we remember our loved ones who have passed and comfort the living. The coronavirus outbreak has altered that ritual and changed the way we say goodbye: the loss remains, the connections change.

The family has the difficult decision of which ten people will attend the funeral. They are aware that many of you would like to attend but unfortunately, due to the restrictions in place, it is not possible.

Following the service, a replay of the service, as well as a video presentation celebrating Carol-Annes's life will be available for viewing.

Posted by Divinity Funerals Funerals 16/08/2021