A tribute in Honour of the
Late Charles Bartholomew.
May his memory be eternal
Posted by Divinity Funerals 08/02/2022
Livestream for
Charles Bartholomew
Posted by Divinity Funerals 07/02/2022
A beloved brother, brother-in-law, uncle & great uncle whom will be truly missed.
When a person becomes a memory, their memory becomes a treasure.
Posted by Gill, Emily, Yvonne & Families x 07/02/2022
A heart of gold stopped beating, two shining eyes at rest. God broke our hearts to prove to us that he only takes the best.
God knows you had to leave us, but you didn't go alone, for part of us went with you the day he took you home.
To some you are forgotten, to others just the past, but to us who loved and lost you, the memory will always last forever.
You have left some wonderful memories that will never fade from our hearts.
There are no goodbyes. Wherever you'll be you'll always be in our hearts.
Rest in peace
Posted by Mario, Rose and gang. 05/02/2022
It is with great sadness that we write this message to inform you of the loss of our beloved Husband, Father, Grandfather and Great Grandfather,
Charles Elias Bartholomew.
A life so beautifully lived deserves to be beautifully remembered.
Posted by The Bartholomew Family 05/02/2022