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01-09-2019 14:30=====27-07-2024 11:53
01-09-2019 14:30=====27-07-2024 11:53

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Goodbye beautiful, kind Corintia. Always in our hearts xxx a special thank you for spoiling Toby! Love to all ❤️

Posted by The Tighes 30/08/2019

Jorge Osorio
Mommy you are now in heaven , and I miss you so much , love you with all my heart and I am going to miss you every single day , I am far but you hold me close and I know you are still looking over me love you mommy and rest in peace .

Posted by Jorge Osorio 29/08/2019

Corintia gave me a very special person in my life and an incredible mother for Gabriel. Rest now job well done!

Posted by Jimmy & Gabriel 28/08/2019

You are now our beautiful angel looking after us from up above - we love you always 💖💖💖💖💖

Posted by Paula Britz 28/08/2019