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My deepest sympathy and condolences to beautiful Dora’s family and friends, May she Rest In Peace and her Memory be Eternal, I will always remember her genuine heart, Much Love,

Posted by Grace Vlach 18/05/2020

To Athie, Con and Kathy and extended family, Dora will always be remembered for her strong will, achievements and her devotion to teaching not just her students, but those around her. Her non-conformist ways placed her in good stead and shaped who she was. We will miss het laughter most of all. Rest in peace.

Posted by With love, Con, Mary, Kathy, Patricia and Matina Kokoris. 29/04/2020

To Athie, Con and Kathy and extended family, Dora will always be remembered for her strong will, achievements and her devotion to teaching not just her students, but those around her. Her non-conformist ways placed her in good stead and shaped who she was. We will miss het laughter most of all. Rest in peace.

Posted by With love, Con, Mary, Kathy, Patricia and Matina Kokoris. 28/04/2020

Dear Con, Athie and extended family, Know that you are in our thoughts and prayers during this difficult time. Remembering her beautiful soul will forever remain in our hearts..May God give her eternal rest and the family the strength to bear the great pain of her loss. Our sincerest condolences the Letsios family.

Posted by The extended Letsios family 28/04/2020

Dora was the most adventurous traveller I have ever met. She could talk to and befriend anyone; she could find her way anywhere; she could adapt to any conditions without a complaint. But what I found most wonderful about Dora was her insatiable curiosity and interest in so many things. Dora was a citizen of the world. At the same time, she was a devoted daughter. Her family was so important to her and she spoke of you all often. I am so sorry to learn of her suffering and passing. The world has lost a very special person. I will always remember her.

Posted by Basia from Canada 28/04/2020

Dear Con, Kathy, Athie, Steve and families, my deepest sympathy for your loss. Dora was a dynamic and giving woman coupled with an amazing sense of humour. She will be truly missed, may she rest in peace Love Nina

Posted by Matina Psaltis 28/04/2020

To Dora, I look up to you before and I will look up to you now in heaven. You will always be in my heart. Love, Maryan ♡♡♡

Posted by Maryan 28/04/2020

To Costa and extended family wishing you our deepest condolences to you all lots of love Haroula Jim Toula Avgerinos

Posted by Roula Avgerinos 28/04/2020

Dora was one of the first people that we met when we moved to Australia. From a work colleague, she quickly became a friend and then family. We got to know her family, bushwalk and travel with her, and enjoy food and good company. Dora had a presence and energy that filled the room. She was passionate about life and as a teacher, she passed her passion and knowledge to countless many. She connected with children and the young, her humour, agility, and mischief being appreciated by them. Dora's spirit wasn’t dimmed by the illness and her loss is difficult to comprehend. Our deepest condolences to her family and friends.

Posted by Ilektra Spandagou 28/04/2020

Con, Athie and families. May God repose Dora with His Angel's reunited with mum and dad. May her memory be eternal and these wonderful memories of Dora sustain you in this time of great sorrow. Smile that you were part of the life of such a beautiful, accomplished lady that lived life to the fullest always with a smile on her face. To her extended family, aunties, uncles and cousins, friends, and God children ζωή σε σας. Αιωνία της η μνήμη και καλό παράδεισο.

Posted by Debbie and Michael Economos 28/04/2020

It is with deep sadness that I express my most sincere condolences to you all for the passing of your beloved Dora. May she Rest In Peace . Michelle Georgiou

Posted by Michelle Georgiou 27/04/2020

It was with deep sorrow that I learnt in Greece of Dora's death, and I felt that I had to write a few words. Knowing Dora while I was living in Australia, as part of the Greek community, as relatives and as University students striving for our degree, I have but the fondest memories of a strong-willed, dynamic, brave, outspoken and a nonconformist person who stood up for her beliefs but who simultaneously was generous, gentle,caring and supportive and a great teacher. I greatly admired Dora for her dynamic character and will always remember her. My deepest sympathies and condolences to Con ,Athie and extended family. May her memory be eternal and may she rest in peace. Θερμα Συλλυπητήρια. Ζωη σε σας..

Posted by JENNY PARDALIS (Greece) 27/04/2020

Αγαπητη δωρα χαρικα πολυ που ειχα την ευκαιρια να σε γνωρισω. Καλο ταξιδη να εχεις,να ειναι ελαφρυ το χωμα που θα σε σκεπασει. Καλη δυναμη κωστα και κατερινα

Posted by Οικονομοπουλος αντωνης 27/04/2020

Dora, I thank you from the first day we met at the age of 5 to the last day we were together only a week ago. You held my hand on that first day at Birchgrove Public School and became my friend and educator as I couldn’t speak, read or write English when I began school, who would have known that it would become your passion and profession. You held my hand only a few days ago 55 years later smiling just as you did when we were 5 but this time your eyes were filled with sadness. You have been part of my life all my life and I’m finding it hard to let you go! Dora, you were the most argumentative, feistiest, adventurous, caring, loving, generous and devoted person I know and it has been my great fortune to have been part of your life. I have shared your sorrows and known your family, we have laughed and cried together. My heart is heavy but my memory is long, I miss you but know I will never forget you. To Con, Athie and the extended family, we are all blessed to have had Dora in our lives. Dora know you were loved by everyone whose life you touched. Love you, miss you, I will remember you, Dora Christodoulou.

Posted by George and Dora Christodoulou 27/04/2020

Sending our deepest sympathy to the family for your loss. Our sincere condolences and may Dora rest in peace.

Posted by Tony and Maria Drivas 27/04/2020

Con Athie and extended family my deepest sympathies and condolences to your family on the passing of your beloved sister Dora may her memory be eternal and may she Rest In Peace these tributes are befitting to the person that she was , my parents Peter and Maria Tzortzis send their ccondolences .Love Chris and Dinna Tzortzis family

Posted by Chris and Dinna Tzortzis family 27/04/2020

Dear Con, Kathy, Nicholas & Peter, Sorry to hear the loss of your beautiful sister, sister inlaw, auntie & all round wounderful human being Dora Lafkas. Our thoughts & prayers are with you & your family. May god give you strength to support you through this extremely challenging period. May Dora's legacy continue to burn bright & be remembered for her generous contribution to her family, friends & wider community. She touched the lives of many!

Posted by Kathy, Denni & kids 27/04/2020

John and I wish to extend our deepest sympathies to Con ,Kathy Nicholas and Panayiotis on the passing of your sister, sisters-in-law, aunt and a friend to us., Dora. May her memory be live on in our hearts. Ζωή σε Σας With love, John and Katrina Zaunders

Posted by Ekaterine Zaunders 27/04/2020

Our most sincere and deepest condolences to all the family and loved ones for your loss. May she rest in peace and her memory be eternal.

Posted by Lambros Drivas, Anna and Frank Ascone and family 27/04/2020

Αγαπιτη και αξεχαστη Θεοδορα ο κυριος να σε αναπαυση στο κυπου του παραδυσου. Στην οικογενεια ο κυριος να σας χαριση υγεια να εισαστε καλα να την θημοσαστε. Η σκεψι μας κοντα σας. Τασια και Παναγιοτη Δημοπουλος.

Posted by Τασια Δημοπουλος 27/04/2020

Dora was an endearing and inspiring colleague and teacher. She was loved and admired by all and will be truly missed. To Dora’s family and friends I pray that God’s love and strength enfolds you during your journey through grief. May you be comforted in knowing that Dora is free from suffering and at peace in God’s strong loving arms.

Posted by Maria da Graca Guerreiro 27/04/2020

Con, Kathy and Family, Our heartfelt condolences on the loss of your beloved sister and auntie. May the many wonderful memories comfort you during this difficult time. May her memory be eternal. Nicko and Silvia Kokkaris and Family

Posted by Nicko and Silvia Kokkaris 27/04/2020

Our deepest condolences go out to Dora's family and friends. She will be greatly missed. Our thoughts go with you all during this difficult time. Cathy Little and David Evans

Posted by Cathy Little 27/04/2020

Dear Dora, It is with a heavy heart i write this. You were one of the most positive and brave people I have had the privilege to know. You were way ahead with your thinking and I loved the political debates you and cousin Nick had. You will be missed. My deepest condolences to Lafkas family. with love Dev

Posted by Devan Nair 27/04/2020

Our deepest condolences to all of Dora's family. We are so sorry for the loss of such a beautiful lady. She was wonderful to so many and will be missed so much.

Posted by Louli, Michael Caramanis & Family (Louli Haramis) 26/04/2020

Dearest Dora, in heaven you are as I write with tears swelling in my eyes. I remember our days in High School. What wonderful years! Us Greek girls made lots of friendships which are more precious as each day goes by.... I also remember the day you were told the news back in 1975 that your Dad passed away. I have a vision of standing in the school’s hallway on our way to Maths. It was the very first time death had touched me. You carried the flag for your Dad back then as you have shown taking care of your mum, battling at the same time your biggest challenge. You fought, you fought hard. However, there is a phrase (which I am trying to remember) and it goes somewhat like this, it’s not the years in your life but the life in your years that matter. Your life proved what a wonderful world we have and you were in all the right places, appreciating with your generosity the gift of life...... To all your family and friends, your life should be celebrated, as there will not be another Dora Lafkas like you. Eternal your memory..

Posted by Terry Papamanouil 26/04/2020

It is very sad to learn that Miss Lafkas has left us. My name is Trinh Huynh who represents some of her Marrickville High school students in the year 1986-1987. We would like to send our deepest condolences to Miss Lafkas’ family. It is very hard to accept that she is longer present with us. We are sure that she will be deeply remembered by each of us who had once knew Miss Lafkas. Wishing her soul will Rest In Peace and pass down her energy to help her family be stronger to go through the most hardest time of their lives.

Posted by Trinh Huynh 26/04/2020

Our deepest condolences to Dora’s family and loved ones. Her courageous and gracious fighting spirit will never be forgotten , her grace under pressure was humbling. Such an intelligent, honest and generous person that she was. May she Rest In Peace and strength to all her beloved family , especially her devoted brother Con. Our deepest condolences Pierre and Elpida Giannakakos

Posted by Pierre and Elpida Giannakakos 26/04/2020

My deepest condolences to the family, relatives and friends. May you cherish the wonderful memories you have of Dora. She fought a long and hard battle and now she rests in peace. With deepest sympathy and love.

Posted by Valerie Pontikakos 26/04/2020

REMEMBERING DORA - from her Canadian-Italian friend April, 25, 2020 My deepest condolences go out Dora’s family and friends. As much as her passing means the end of her suffering, it’s still hard to accept the loss of such a dynamic and cherished person. I was so saddened when I called last week but Dora was too sick to talk. During our last video chat, Dora told me the doctors had pretty much exhausted all possible treatments and without saying it, she implied her time here was very limited. So the news was not a big shock, but I wish I had been able to have at least one more conversation. I would have said how glad I was to be her friend and to have shared so many wonderful experiences over the years. I know she would have liked to reminisce a bit about all the good times we had. In spite of the huge distance and some big time gaps, we managed to maintain a strong bond. Travelling together and sharing some amazing experiences will do that. When she came to visit her Canadian friends in 2018, who could have imagined the health challenges this vibrant, energetic person would have ahead. Ever the intrepid traveller, she wanted to tick off a few more things on her “bucket list” – like touring around Cuba (in a not very functional vehicle) – and seeing the Aurora Borealis - which wasn’t possible, on short notice, but opting instead for her second choice: a long train ride through the snowy Canadian countryside to the Atlantic coast to taste Nova Scotian lobster. She always made the most of what was possible. Dora’s passion for exploring and her fearlessness was infectious – as anyone who travelled or trekked with her would know. I have so many memorable moments from our travels together : Greece and Turkey in ‘97 – then Tuscany, Amalfi and Sicily in 2011. I felt so honoured to be welcomed by the Lafkas family in the little village near Monemvasia for the ceremonial digging up of the bones of Dora’s grandmother. What a privilege to be part of this two day ritual. So many more memories: the wild bus ride through the mountains of Turkey toward Pamukkale when Dora and I had to keep talking loudly so the bus driver, who was nodding off, wouldn’t fall asleep and send us into a ravine. We shared the same taste in food. Grilled barbouni and greens (lahane?) - heavenly. For such a petite frame, Dora ate heartily and with great relish – though it was impressive that she always knew the exact moment to stop. When she worked in the teacher exchange program in Toronto, she came to my place regularly. She showed me how to make her uncle’s version of spanakopita using my pasta machine to roll out the filo dough. Yum! Years later when she came to Italy, we drove from Tuscany to the Amalfi coast, then took the car on the ferry and toured all around Sicily. We were always on the hunt for great grilled fish and seafood. Langoustines were her favourite. In the south-eastern part of Sicily, Dora was determined to find the famous trattoria where Montalbano was filmed and have a meal there. With a single-mindedness that was to be admired, she managed to find the location in Ragusa Ibla and insisted we walk (there was no bus or taxi) – it involved descending a very steep, deep incline with uneven steps (about 400!) then a similar climb up until we reach the historic old centre. Beautiful. We found the trattoria and dined on Pasta alle Vongole - one of Montalbano’s favourites – while seated before a TV that just happened to be showing Montalbano reruns . Another highlight of the Sicily adventure: just before the long, overnight ferry from Palermo back to Rome, while searching in vain for a place to eat, we happened upon an outdoor market in a rather dodgy part of the city near the port. Beautiful fresh fish and no way to cook it. But the fish monger reassured us and directed us to the street vendor just up aways who would grill the fish for us on the spot, AND, if desired, cook up some pasta alle vongole. So the flamboyant cook, cigar dangling from his mouth, cooked our meal all the while regaling an audience of hungry onlookers waiting their turn to be served. We got there first and made it to the ferry, just in time. My mouth still waters…. There are many more memories – too many to mention here. I am so grateful to have had Dora as a friend. I feel I know so many of Dora’s family and friends from our conversations. She deeply cared for you all and had a big capacity for love. The way she looked after her mother – keeping her at home as long as possible - was a testament to her strength of character and her giving nature. We can all learn a lot from Theodora – a person of substance. Please know that she will stay in our hearts and her Canadian friends will gather –once the restrictions are relaxed – and celebrate Dora’s life with a drink and some good food. Heartfelt hugs to all Mary Pace

Posted by Mary Pace, Toronto, Canada 26/04/2020

On behalf of the Zarax Committee, Our heartfelt condolences to Con, Athie & families, along with Dora's beautiful relatives. We are very saddened to hear the news of Dora's passing. She was a remarkable lady who touched the lives of many Zarakites. Not only was Dora a committee member in the past, but also a loving friend to the Association, along with her late father and mother. Dora, you will be greatly missed by all of us. May God give you all the strength and guidance to get through this difficult time. Lots of love

Posted by The Zarax Committee 25/04/2020

To Dora's siblings, nephews, neices, extended family and friends I'd like to express my deepest condolences for your loss. Dora was an amazingly feisty free spirit with whom I had the pleasure of meeting during different times in my life. She certainly left an impressionable and most endearing imprint on me, as I'm sure she had done with so many who had the pleasure of her acquaintance. Dora, you left your mark in this life with your intelligence and voracious appetite for life's experiences. You touched and influenced probably more people than you could've ever imagined. Rest in peace. Ζωη σε σας.

Posted by Sophia Tzortzi 25/04/2020

Our sincerest condolences to all of Doras's beautiful family and friends. May her soul rest in peace, and give lots of strength to her siblings, nephews and nieces. Lots of love Jim and Theodora Haramis xxxx

Posted by Jim and Theodora Haramis 25/04/2020

A live-stream will be available at the day of the service from approximately 9:45am Click on the link below to watch at that time The Late Dora Lafkas

Posted by Denne Cruz 25/04/2020

Our deepest sympathy and condolences to all the family. Dora was a wonderful person and dear friend throughout all the years I have known her since High School. I will always remember her as a caring, giving and loving person. I will always cherish our memories together. May you Rest In Peace and I will dearly miss you.❤️

Posted by Linda and John Kouts + family 25/04/2020

This photo was taken February 2017 , our trip together Mollymook to Rick Stein Bannister. You always had best taste in food, cooking, best French wines and introduced me to many wonderful things, travelling to beautiful places. Every adventure with you was fun and never boring. I want to thank you for everything that we did together and for mum and I over the many years. I miss you and will miss eternity until we meet again. You were not only family, my sister’s sister in law, but my dearest friend, who I knew whenever I was with you, I was in safe hands and you showed me unconditional love. You were remarkable, inspiring strong women who never gave up. You were there for your nephews that I promise to be the aunt you were. You fought hard for 2 years, your tenacity to beat this, loved that about you. Goodbye my love, mum sends you her love as she never got to see you.. Love Peter, Georgina and Julie Coustoubardis

Posted by Julie Coustoubardis 25/04/2020

Our beloved Dora who holds a special place in our hearts. A blessing in our lives and a beautiful soul. You were sunshine and freedom, living life to its fullest. Forever in our hearts and memories. Our condolences to the all the family. Rest in Peace. Perhaps they are not stars in the sky but rather openings in heaven where our loved ones shine down to let us know they are at peace.

Posted by Manoli and Panayiota Τζώρτζη. 25/04/2020

Our deepest condolences to all your family and loved ones.. May the memories that you created together bring you comfort during this difficult time. Dora, you brought so much happiness to us all and we will always cherish the time we spent together. Your courage and strength was to be admired and you fought so hard and so bravely.. Farewell for now our dear friend, we will miss you so much. Forever in our hearts, may you Rest in Peace. Love Anthony, Patty, Peter and Joseph xxx

Posted by Caccavari Family 25/04/2020

To our beautiful friend Dora. She was such a kind and selfless friend who will be greatly missed. She fought a brave battle but now she can rest in peace. My deepest condolences go to her family and friends and they are in my thoughts and prayers. I will miss you Dora!!!

Posted by Helen Drivas 25/04/2020

Our deepest condolences to the family. Such sad news. May her memory be eternal.

Posted by BILL Kokkaris and family 25/04/2020

Sincerest condolences from all of us . Dora and I had a special little bond it was more than just being named after the same grandmother. I spent my early high schooling weekends at the Lafkas residence and Dora was more than an older cousin I looked upto. Dora, was someone who went out of her way to show me new things and experiences. Dora, showed me so many of my favourite 1st’s in life. Things like earl Grey tea from a tea pot and waiting outside her favourite bakery just so I could try a warm almond croissant. To this day I havent been able to find a baker as good as yours, sitting in a cafeteria on a Saturday afternoon just because you could. Driving to the beach not for the day but just for a quick dip with no packed esky and no days of planning with another 50 cousins and families just Dora and I . Dora took the time to talk to me about all different matters in life. Dora wanted to open my eyes to the world and prepare me for adult life. Dora wanted to know me and she wanted me to know her. I feel a lot of my adventurous side comes from those early years I spent with Dora and all our talks. I think Dora gave me confidence as a young girl that I have also taken into my adult life. Dora opened my eyes to not be afraid and to think out of the box and to speak my mind and some would say I speak my mind a little too much but she never did. Watching Dora and my brother in a debate could amuse me for hours watching how feisty she could get, it brings a smile to my face with tears in my eyes thinking they both might be doing just that for old time sake in heaven as I write this. Dora was the 1st and only teacher I had ever had that made getting tutored fun, such a good teacher.. Thank you Dora I will miss you and will always love you dearly until we meet again .... your not so little cousin anymore Dora❤️

Posted by Theodora Tsavalas Poulakis 25/04/2020

Dora was a very special friend who fought this cruel disease so bravely. We shall always remember her warmth, caring nature, generosity and spiritedness. The role she played in our lives as a dear friend and as an 'aunt' to Alexander will never be forgotten.

Posted by Antonia, Roberto & Alexander Romano 25/04/2020

Con, Kathy, Nicholas and Peter, My words can’t express the way I’m feeling for the loss of your beautiful sister and aunty. Dora was a very special person to me and a great big cousin, who I looked up to with respect. I loved her outlook in life and doing and saying as she felt and thought. She was one strong lady and it has been proven with her fight and determination with this disease. Con, I think the world of you and what you have physically and mentally done for Dora is something you should be very proud of. You are an inspiration to us all and Dora was very grateful for all you did. Dora will be missed but never forgotten, our special times we shared together will always be in our hearts and never forgotten. May she Rest In Peace.

Posted by Connie & Chris Condos and family 24/04/2020

Our deepest sympathy for your loss. May Dora rest in peace and her memory be eternal.

Posted by John and Chris Kanellis 24/04/2020

Dora, a lioness, who cared deeply about others and devoted herself to them thoroughly. May God rest her beautiful soul and may her family live to remember her. May her memory echo for eons. Vale dear friend.

Posted by Costa, Ghaith and Panayiota Al-Badri Loucopoulos 24/04/2020

Dear Con & Cathy and Steve and Athie, It is with great sadness we hear the loss of your sister, Our sincere condolences, may she rest in peace.

Posted by Tom & Kia Kokoris 24/04/2020

Dora has been a most wonderful, generous and loving friend to all of our family. We admired her strength of character and resolve, her interest and excellence in her teaching life, her love of travelling, her strong love and pride in her Greek background and customs, and her many interests. Dora was a most loving and devoted daughter to her ailing mother in her final years. Dora has been such a special person in our lives and we will all miss her very, very much. With our love and thanks for the gift of 35 years of a special shared friendship. Marc and Michele Lombard, Alex, Mariel and Annick

Posted by The Lombard family 24/04/2020

We were privileged to have Dora in our lives as our Godmother and will miss her so very much. It is thanks to Dora that we had the joy of being part of her beautiful Greek family. Dora showed us generosity, love and a passion to help those around her in the migrant community. We are so thankful for all the moments we were able to share with her - from growing up with joint family meals to enjoying dinner with Dora as adults, learning cooking recipes, picking herbs and enjoying Greek coffees at home. It is an honour for little Xavier to have had Dora as his “Yiayia”. You will always have a special place in our hearts Dora ❤️

Posted by Annick and Mariel Lombard 24/04/2020

Sending our heartfelt condolences to Dora's family. May her memory be eternal. With deepest sympathy Con and Maria Kokkaris and family

Posted by Con Kokkaris 24/04/2020

Dora, where do I start? There isn’t enough room to write everything but if I had to name the things that left their mark, they would be your amazing culinary skills, your impeccable taste in wine, our shared love of Gorman and the bush walks you would take us on. Boy did they make for some laughs! You were the first person to introduce me to classic children’s stories such as “We’re Going on a Bear Hunt” and your travel books remain items I will forever cherish. What I will remember most however is the marshmallow that lived just beyond your strong and tough exterior; that giant heart that loved so fiercely and beat so strongly for those you cared about. Your courage and thirst for life was never more present than the last year and a half. You were a warrior and will continue to inspire us all from above. I love you and miss you; may you now find eternal peace. Tonight, I will enjoy a glass of Barolo in your honour ❤️

Posted by Your niece, Aphrodite 24/04/2020

Divinity Funerals
The family is taking donations on behalf of the Late Theodora. Welcome to use the link below to make a donation in her memory: Dora Lafkas

Posted by Divinity Funerals 24/04/2020

Aunty Dora, one of the most intelligent people I know, with an admirable sense of thrill-seeking adventure, and a vast knowledge of anything and everything. You took us on many a bear hunt growing up and "We're Going on a Bear Hunt" will forever be synonymous with you. You are deeply loved and will be sorely missed. <3

Posted by Georgia Apostolopoulos 24/04/2020

Dora was our loving sister-friend whom we will miss dearly. She was a blessing to our lives and now she is free from the pain and challenges of life. Deepest condolences to Kon, Athi and the rest of the family. ❤️🌺❤️

Posted by Ann Cheryl & Derrick 24/04/2020

Dora was a great friend, beautiful person and excellent teacher. Her intellect, vivacity and friendliness will be truly remembered. Sincere condolences to the family.

Posted by Dene McMillan 24/04/2020

We send you our deepest condolences and may she Rest In Peace and live forever in your hearts Peter and katina KOULOURIS and tsiponis family

Posted by Tsiponis family 24/04/2020

A loss of a good friend and a gracious soul. May Dora be in peace. Silipitira

Posted by Jorge Sotirios 24/04/2020

Dear Con,Cathy, Athie and family. We would like to express our sincere condolences for the loss of your dear sister.. May your memories of Dora give you peace and comfort always..

Posted by Nick & Mary Condos and family 24/04/2020

Dora. You will always have a special place in my heart. The intellectual equal of any I've met on the journey. The beautiful soul with the courage to speak her mind and tell the world "this is who I am". "For life to be meaningful something must be worth doing, that nothing is worth doing if nothing one does will make a permanent difference to the world, and that doing so requires having an immortal, spiritual self." Tolstoy...

Posted by John George 24/04/2020

In memory of a mentor, colleague, and friend. Dora's everlasting contribution to the educational needs of migrants and refugees of all ages lives on with the many students and teachers Dora taught over a long and distinguished career that included schools, university, and TAFE settings. Thank you Dora for being such an inspirational educator to so many students and teachers. Always remembered, with love

Posted by Mercurius Goldstein 24/04/2020

Dora fought till the end. She showed the same determination she showed in life. Will miss you.xx

Posted by Sophie Tsouloukidis 24/04/2020