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05-09-2022 14:30=====27-07-2024 12:12
05-09-2022 14:30=====27-07-2024 12:12

Burial information

Hanrong’s final resting place
Macquarie Park Cemetery and Crematorium, Plassey Entry Road, Macquarie Park NSW, Australia

Directions to here

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A tribute in honour of the
Late Hanrong Zhong. 

🕯May his memory be eternal🕯

Posted by Divinity Funerals 06/09/2022

Divinity Funerals

To view the live-stream click on the blue link below:

Watch HERE

To enter the room use the 4 Digit Pin:


Posted by Divinity Funerals 05/09/2022



1961年,爷爷经人介绍与奶奶楼梅香结婚。婚后养育了三个儿子: 黎民,黎群和黎平。




愿爷爷安息主怀! 阿门🙏🙏🙏

Posted by Carrie 08/09/2022