18-10-2023 14:30=====28-10-2024 14:01
18-10-2023 14:30=====28-10-2024 14:01

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Tribute to the
Late Jack Fulton Lewis

Posted by Divinity Funerals 19/10/2023

"...His early days" 
A Tribute for the
Late Jack Lewis

Posted by Divinity Funerals 19/10/2023

Andrew, Kyra, Karen and Steven Hendry

Jacky boy, a first friend from growing up in little old Launceston. Always admired what you were achieving and will cherish the memories of the younger years. Even the time you were on the wrong end of a handsaw while building a cubby house at Greens Beach- you nearly lost half a finger that day!

To Shannon, Jo , Molly, Gracie and families our thoughts are with you while you celebrate the life of such a great man.

Sending our love Andrew, Kyra, Karen and Steven Hendry

Posted by Andrew, Kyra, Karen and Steven Hendry 18/10/2023