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21-01-2020 14:30=====27-07-2024 12:05
21-01-2020 14:30=====27-07-2024 12:05

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Albert & Carole and family
Our sincere condolence to Arnold & Lisa , Andrea & Lindsey Yolanda & Greg for the loss of your dear mum/ inlaw & Oma we will remember the many shared happy moments of love & laughter Gone to soon Rest in peace rust zacht

Posted by Albert & Carole and family 21/01/2020

Arnold, Lisa, Andrea', Lindsey and Bella Van Houten.
The lovely memories will always be with us all. Rest peacefully with love, Arnold, Lisa, Andrea', Lindsey and Bella.

Posted by Arnold, Lisa, Andrea', Lindsey and Bella Van Houten. 21/01/2020

Our condolences. Janny, was such a lovely person, she will live on in our memories forever.

Posted by John, kiki, Sophie and Jaidan 21/01/2020

Sincere condolences to Arnold, Yolanda and their families and to Herman Jannie used to come to our Dutch girls lunches and get together when she lived on the Northern Beaches we missed her when she moved away No more pain at peace

Posted by Trudy Jacobs 20/01/2020

Sending our love and thoughts in this tuff time Love Ben, Celeste, River, India and Kaiden. Xx

Posted by Ben Tallowwood 20/01/2020

In honour of our beautiful Mother.

Posted by Yolanda van Houten 19/01/2020