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14-09-2023 14:30=====13-02-2025 06:22
14-09-2023 14:30=====13-02-2025 06:22

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Shoalhaven Memorial Gardens and Lawn Cemetery, Worrigee Road, Worrigee NSW, Australia

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A tribute in honour of the Late John Dimopoulos. 

🕯may his memory be eternal🕯

Posted by Divinity Funerals 15/09/2023

Simon Sadek

Some people just have a grandfather I had a grandfather and a best mate. Pappou my earliest memories have you in them from teaching me to hold my mandarins in the sky to check for seeds to teaching me to catch my first fish even having my first drink was with you still remember us drinking west coast coolers on a hot day down at your shop, I always looked forward to my holidays down in Jervis bay with you just so I could wake up at 6am so we could talk for hours having our coffee and going through your garden, this is what I looked forward to, talking about all our story's from over the years. I have so many memories with you and I'm blessed for that, one day I will tell my kids all about their great grandfather and all your travels around Australia, your generosity to everyone you met, always giving help to anyone that needed it. You always left good impressions on everyone that ever met you, my friends still to this day talk about how good a man you were, we still laugh at your funny story's. I'm going to miss you pappou your my earliest hero I'll never forget you love your first grandson Simon xxx

Posted by Simon Sadek 14/09/2023

Dina Dimopoulos

Our Dearest Baba,

Who loved and had time for everyone, a lover of nature, the bush and animals, his favourite being horses. Who fished the waters off Jervis Bay and was skilled in telling how the weather would go that day. Who was super quick witted with a cheeky smile that melted our hearts. Who travelled most of Australia and had a passion for good art. Who loved a beer or whisky or two. A business man all his life, A Fashion Designer who created his own designs. He taught us beautiful lessons growing up, he was gentle, and loving and always gave his last dollar to help anyone in need. Our father was not only  generous and kind, but gifted, he saw the world as a place of natural beauty, he looked at the sky every night just to see the stars, and the sunrise & sunsets he waited to share with his wife Maria (mum) My father John Dimopoulos who reminisced of his youth & the mischief he got upto with his best buddys in Skiatha Patra, Before taking his independence and coming to Australia & meeting mum. Baba brought us to Jervis Bay 46 years ago, took one look and decided to stay. This was home, & country life was his heart and soul. He loved planting and creating his Garden with mum, both of them chattering and pottering away at the latest new vegetable that grew. He adored his wife, children, grandchildren, and all his family and friends. Each and everyone of you all who have met him through life have meant something to him, he had love for all. As his children, we cherish every moment we had together, we miss him terribly 😔 with every being of our souls. Without him nothing will ever be the same again..BUT the beautiful exceptional memories we created together are fixed FOREVER within us, and those thoughts are filled with happiness and good times, his memory is alive in us..and we have a long long memory of a beautiful life created. The world for us will never be the same without you Baba,& until we are together again nothing will feel the same. WE LOVE YOU FOREVER AND ALWAYS FOR ETERNITY ♥️KALO PARATHISO BABA. ✝️ ♥️Dina, Jim, Michael, Maria ✝️ 


Posted by Dina Dimopoulos 12/09/2023

Στον αγαπημένο μου Γιάννη στον Ανδρουλη μου μου λήπης πολύ Γιάννη μου δεν έχω λόγια να το περιγράψω έφυγες τόσο γρήγορα πού δεν μπορώ να το πιστέψω σκέφτομαι όλα αυτά που κάναμε μαζί είναι πολύ δύσκολο αλλά προσπαθώ θα περιμένω μέχρι να είμαστε ξανά μαζί ή αγαπημένη σου γυναίκα καλό παράδεισο Γιάννη αγάπη μου ❤️❤️❤️✝️🙏🌹🌹

Posted by Maria Dimopoulos 11/09/2023

Our Dearest Baba,

Who loved and had time for everyone, a lover of nature, the bush and animals, his favourite being horses. Who fished the waters off Jervis Bay and was skilled in telling how the weather would go that day. Who was super quick witted with a cheeky smile that melted our hearts. Who travelled most of Australia and had a passion for good art. Who loved a beer or whisky or two. A business man all his life, A Fashion Designer who created his own designs. He taught us beautiful lessons growing up, he was gentle, and loving and always gave his last dollar to help anyone in need. Our father was not only  generous and kind, but gifted, he saw the world as a place of natural beauty, he looked at the sky everynight just to see the stars, and the sunsets he waited to share with mum, who reminisced of his youth and the mischief he got upto with his best buddys in Skiatha Patra. Baba brought us to Jervis Bay 46 years ago, took one look and decided to stay. This was home, & country life was his heart and soul. He loved planting and creating his Garden with mum, both of them chattering and pottering away at the latest new vegetable that grew. He adored his wife, children, grandchildren, and all his family and friends. Each and everyone of you all who have met him, have meant something to him at one time or another. As his children, we cherish every moment we had together, we miss him terribly 😔 with every being of our souls. Without him nothing will ever be the same again..BUT the beautiful exceptional memories we created together are fixed FOREVER within us, and those thoughts are filled with happiness and good times, his memory is alive in us..and we have a long long memory of a beautiful life created. The world for us will never be the same without you Baba, and until we are together again nothing will feel the same. WE LOVE YOU FOREVER AND ALWAYS FOR ETERNITY ♥️KALO PARATHISO BABA. ✝️ ♥️Dina, Jim, Michael, Maria(mum) ✝️ 





Posted by Dina Dimopoulos 11/09/2023

Goodbye uncle John I will always remember you as a gentleman and the life of the party !! you will be missed by me and all that knew you !! I remember when you used to take me to work and I would fall asleep and you would blast the radio in your van!! and laugh at me when I woke up in shock !!! Till we meet again Θεό 

Posted by Andrew Eliopoulos 08/09/2023

Έξω του κόσμου το αποθανόν ου πίπτει.

May this serve as a farewell to John, with love,

from brother Pericles Dimopoulos,

with Stani and Alexander

Posted by Pericles Dimopoulos 08/09/2023