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17-08-2023 14:30=====14-02-2025 18:29
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Divinity Funerals

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Posted by Divinity Funerals 14/08/2023


Posted by tiffany 04/10/2024

We will forever miss you

Posted by Ano 13/08/2024

Mui Khee

Dearest Chew Boon, I shall forever cherish the short time we spent together in Sydney. The support you gave me during a low time when my son was ill was incredible. Miss you a lot. Rest in Peace. 🙏

Posted by Mui Khee 18/08/2023

Dear Chew Boon, what an incredible celebration of life this service was. So honest and so reflective of the person you are/were. The laughter, the tears, the love. The picture of you that I carry in my heart is from primary school, even in those days - an upright, honest, enthusiastic and vibrant girl. So privileged to have known you.

My thoughts and prayers with April and all your family, and so many friends,  colleagues and students who love you. Heaven truly rejoices at your return. Au revoir my friend,  till we meet again. 

All my love,  Sandra xxx

Posted by Sandra King (nee French) 18/08/2023

May God Rest your Wonderful soul in Peace JOY. 

You Will be always alive in our Hearts.

Posted by Radhika Kanade 18/08/2023

My dear Chew Boon, it has been great knowing you. The last meet up together during our 55th year reunion was just a year to remember. I had a great time together will all our friends including you. Thank you for your advise for my eldest daughter, appreciate it very much...miss you lots..my condolences to April and the whole family.

Posted by Norbi Mohd Tan 18/08/2023

Thankyou so much for the freindship. You will be missed Chiew Boon. RIP.

Posted by Col Theodore Navaretnam RMAF (R) 18/08/2023

From Teck Ai & family

My dear Chew Boon,
You have indeed fought a good fight. You have kept your faith and fought courageously till the very end. May you rest in the Saviour’s arms now & forever.
Psalm 116:15- Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his saints.

Chew Boon, I will miss you very much. Thank you for being a good friend to us all. Thank you for showing us your strong conviction in the Lord & living life to the best of your ability for His glory. Rich is your reward in Heaven. Farewell my horpengyu for now till we meet on that beautiful shore someday! 

April, our deepest sympathies to you. May you draw strength and stand strong on the legacy your mum built. May you remember how very precious you are to her and that she loves you very much. May you take comfort that she is no longer suffering and is safe in her eternal home. 

Our heartfelt condolences to Aunty Loh, Willy, Tina, Kong & all in the family

Posted by From Teck Ai & family 18/08/2023


Lord, I thank you for sunshine, Thank you for Joy. It's a beautiful day aye aye aye. 

Posted by Jules 17/08/2023

Your forever friend, Hazel Fernandez Malaysia

Chew Boon Darling,


My heart is shattered to hear of your passing. I am saddened to loose you so soon my dear friend but heaven definitely gained an angel. I will forever miss you….your beautiful kind heart. 


I sit here on my sofa saying a silent prayer for your bereaved family. Thinking also of our wonderful childhood….our friendship that stood the test of time and distance. The memories keep flooding in. Our afternoon quick run across the school to the seaside while waiting for Ah Watt to pick us up in our school bus was just magic. Happy days for sure. How we loved doing it over and over again everyday. Enjoying delicious chinese meals at your home cooked by your mum was a highlight. Cos my mum only cooked indian cuisine. But how you loved my mum’s indian food too when you hung out at my house. Haha. Your late dad taking us to his Police HQ on Saturdays to watch games etc. was such a treat for me. A chance to sit in his car and go for a drive around town with you was something I looked forward too. I was so lucky to have met you my dear friend. You were my beacon of light….my hope. My world changed. You taught me to study harder. You were so patient and sacrificed your time to teach me cos I was weak in my studies. Haha. Teaching was definitely your calling even at that young age of 12. Thank you for always being there for me in my teenage years. I am so happy to call you my friend. Friends forever. A friend like you doesn’t come along very often. You made tough times easier and the best times even better. I hold every memory we’ve made together close to my heart. You are a mighty strong woman even after being diagnosed with cancer. You fought courageously without giving up hope and you finished the race with grace & dignity. Your strong faith in our Lord Jesus was what kept you going despite all your challenges. You are truly God’s chosen Child and you’re an inspiration to many.  Bless your heart. I am so proud of you. You raised April to be the best child any parent could ever dream. She will forever make you proud and carry on your legacy. I will miss our endless phones chats, laughter most days, crying some days and our continuous text messaging. These memories will forever be etched in my heart. Love you and miss you. Rest now my darling Chew Boon. You are happily reunited with Henry your beloved husband and with your amazing dad. Till we meet again one day in your heavenly abode. 


Sending love, big hugs & kisses to Aunty (Chew Boon’s mum), April, Willy, Tina, Kong & your families. ❤️🙏🏻

Posted by Your forever friend, Hazel Fernandez Malaysia 15/08/2023