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23-03-2023 14:30=====14-02-2025 19:55
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Divinity Funerals

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Posted by Divinity Funerals 24/03/2023


Hey Just, thanks for the good times when I visited Cebu and then when you came to Sydney. Working with you has been a pleasure and the quality of your work, impecable. You are irreplaceable and will be largely missed.

Rest in peace Just, and stay curious wherever you are.

Posted by Dantee 25/03/2023

We haven't properly introduced each other but we were able to gather and play games with the others. Thank you for the great and fun memories. We'll miss you, Justine!

Posted by Neoctos (Kevin Lenmar Tecson) 21/03/2023


We'll miss you Jaaaas! 

Thanks for the great memories and fun adventures we had. Also for the funny gaming sessions with the group. Gonna miss the back and forth on niche but fun Manga / Anime suggestions and gaming sessions. Also can't leave out the Ramen suggestions xD

Always looked up to you when I joined the programming team in College and back and forth conversations on tech at work was always fun, always looking for possible areas to improve for our projects.

Hope your isekai adventures now are great there ;3

Posted by Ryouko~ 21/03/2023


Fly high, Justine. We will miss your adorable personality. You are irreplaceable. 

Photo taken during the EPG Group Christmas Party '22

Posted by Hazel 21/03/2023


We will miss you Jaaaaaas!

You are adored and you're someone being looked up to by many. Thanks for all the good and fun memories we shared, for being a friend and a family to me back in Cebu.

You will be always be remembered. Rest easy, Jaaaaaas.

Posted by Bia 21/03/2023