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01-12-2022 14:30=====19-01-2025 05:03
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A tribute in honour of the
Late Benjamin Ho. 

🕯May his memory be eternal🕯

Posted by Divinity Funerals 02/12/2022

Divinity Funerals

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Posted by Divinity Funerals 30/11/2022

Dear Benji,

You will always be remembered as my bright, goofy and happy little cousin. I will share your pictures, videos, memories, and stories with my children, Lucas and Hailey, so they have the privilege of having you as part of their childhood. 

Posted by Jason Ho 06/12/2022

My dear cousin Benji,


Thank you for fighting to stay with us. I am proud of the life you lived and will cherish the childhood memories we have together. 


As a kid, a highlight of spending the summer in Hong Kong was staying with your family. For a few days, it was as if I had new parents and a new brother, all of you sharing with me your corners of the world. You were so little, but you didn’t mind me coming in, taking up your space, eating your food, and changing your routine. The memories we made together are precious to me. I know you’re not a kid anymore, but when I think of you I always think of little Benji first. 


I can see that you continued to live your life with love and authenticity with your family and chosen family. Multiple oceans away, I feel the impact that your life has had on the world. We are lucky to have been part of your story. 


Benji, I will remember your strength. You are forever in my heart, and I will always be looking for ways to remember you and honour you. 


Sending you love. 

Posted by Jessica Ho 05/12/2022

Dear Benji,

My heart goes out to you and all your loved ones. 

The last time we saw each other in person was around 12 years ago in the summer. I have very fond memories of us and your mom at the APM center, where I had my first Mos burger. You were always into food and I always loved seeing your Instagram stories because they would always be pictures of cute coffee shops or restaurants.

I am grateful that we were able to reconnect over covid after all these years. I am thankful that we were able to share our favourite animes, mangas and games, as well as upcoming animes that we were both excited to watch. I will think about you whenever they show up and I was happy that we were able to reconnect and talk about things we both loved doing.

Your love was felt by everyone who attended the ceremony and you will be sorely missed.

I will forever cherish those memories we shared together. 

Posted by Jacky Ho 05/12/2022

Dear Benjie,

It is really hard for our whole family to believe that you are gone to another world now. We don't understand why this has happened so heart-broken and tragic, but we do know that if this has been allowed to happen like this by God, He must have his plan and purposes in it because He will never make any mistakes, but men will.

Now you are in the good hands of our Lord Jesus, embracing in the arms of our loving God, may you rest in peace. You have already walked the good walk, did the good deeds and fought the good fights. Hope to meet you again when we get to heaven one day. Be a shining star up in the sky and bless your parents, your brother, your grandma and all of your good friends on earth everyday! May their sorrows be comforted in Jesus' most unique and amazing ways !!

Love you tons,

Auntie Grace, Joyce and the Tseng's Family

Posted by Auntie Grace, Joyce and the Tseng's Family 02/12/2022