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20-07-2020 14:30=====14-02-2025 00:21
20-07-2020 14:30=====14-02-2025 00:21

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Manuel’s final resting place
Walumil Lawns, Barangaroo Ave, Barangaroo NSW 2000, Australia

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Obrigado pelo o que fez por mim Tio Pascual Deus lhe de enterno descanso

Posted by Jose Maria 22/07/2020

To me tio Pascoal was a person whom I saw as an entertaining storyteller, well connected within his peers, and with a warm and caring nature to my family and myself. I have loved tio's unique insight to life. Rest in peace tio Pascoal, you are fondly remembered.

Posted by Jorge and family 21/07/2020

My tio Pascoal had an adventurous life. He married his Bernadette who herself was brought up in the Belgian Congo. And they immigrated to Australia together. Pascoal was the first of the Coelho clan to emigrate and by doing so paved the way for the rest of all of us Coelho’s. At one stage Bernadette developed serious health issues that would remain with her for the rest of her life and in a way defined her life. Pascoal cared for her through those many years that she suffered. Because of everyone’s concern for her there was never a lot of attention for Pascoal. Bernadette was always the person that people admired because of her courage and fighting spirit, and rightfully so. But now that Pascoal is gone, even though I didn't know him very well, I look at his life and see that he was a good man who was helpful and generous but often in the background. He twice took in nephews who had themselves immigrated to Australia and supported them in any way he could to help them get ahead in life. Tio Pascoal you’ve lived a good life and you will be remembered. Rest in Peace

Posted by Paul Ivan and Scott Coelho 21/07/2020

For many, a funeral is a ritual of loss and connection where we remember our loved ones who have passed and comfort the living.  The corona-virus outbreak has altered that ritual and changed the way we say goodbye: the loss remains, the connections change.

The new relaxing of restrictions allows 150 mourners inside the church and unrestricted outside of the chapel as long as social distancing rules are followed.

Posted by Divinity Funerals Funerals 20/07/2020