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05-10-2023 14:30=====14-02-2025 20:06
05-10-2023 14:30=====14-02-2025 20:06

Burial information

Nicolas’s final resting place
Weekes Ave at, Haslem Dr, Rookwood NSW 2141, Australia

Directions to here

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Full Funeral Service for the
Late Nicolas Fotiou

Posted by Divinity Funerals 09/10/2023

I visited his shop when I lived in Annandale. I remember him kindly and the mark he left on the city

Posted by Mercy D 08/10/2023

I visited Nicolas in his shop in the 1990s being myself from a village near to his village in Lemnos Greece. Nicolas was very reserved to talk and say anything about himself. His face was white not being out of his beloved shop for a long-long time. His shop was in the same condition as in the old days. Cutlery and other utensils were covered with a  white tablecloth waiting to serve customers. I found that he was very sceptical about the outside world and that he would be cheated in any transaction with them. I couldn't have any real conversation with him so I left after a short time. RIP Nicola,


Posted by Elias Christofidellis 07/10/2023