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13-10-2020 14:30=====27-07-2024 11:37
13-10-2020 14:30=====27-07-2024 11:37

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Помним и скорбим об утрате человека, который был Лучиком света в тёмном царстве, тётя Оля! Всегда настроенна оптимистично, тётя Оля вдохновляла! Пусть Небеса примут душу! Серёжа, Алиса и Анечка, вам сил.

Posted by Марина 01/11/2020

Оленька, покойся с миром! Царствие тебе небесное и пресветлого рая! Память о тебе всегда в сердцах твоих близких!

Posted by Надежда Середа 15/10/2020

Прилетай к нам лучами Света, Тепла и Радости, всегда ждем Олик!♥️ Люблю тебя !

Posted by Елена Крылатых(Боброва) 14/10/2020


Posted by Maria {DHM NURSE} 14/10/2020

Сережа, Аня, примите мои соболезнования. Это ужасная утрата, Оля была чудесным человеком.

Posted by Настя 14/10/2020

Divinity Funerals
Click on the link below to view the funeral service for The Late Olga Katsyuba

View Service

Posted by Divinity Funerals 14/10/2020

What a blessing to have been associated with Olga and her wonderful family. Through the Oatley 101 Society of Artists I was privileged to get to know of her amazing talent, her joyfulness, her love of life and her incredible aura. She will be one of those beautiful people I will never forget. God will have her in his heart.

Posted by Geraldine Taylor 13/10/2020

For many, a funeral is a ritual of loss and connection where we remember our loved ones who have passed and comfort the living.  The corona-virus outbreak has altered that ritual and changed the way we say goodbye: the loss remains, the connections change.

The new restrictions allow 50 mourners at the chapel and 50 mourners outside of the chapel as long as social distancing rules are followed. 
To assist the family with numbers, we request that family and friends who wish to attend, please click on the RSVP button  and register your attendance.  The Tribute link will also allow you to leave a message in honour of Olga's memory or the family.

Posted by Divinity Funerals Funerals 12/10/2020