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07-03-2022 14:30=====13-02-2025 07:39
07-03-2022 14:30=====13-02-2025 07:39

Burial information

Sotirios’s final resting place
Eastern Suburbs Memorial Park, Military Road, Matraville NSW, Australia

Directions to here

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Divinity Funerals

Dear Friends and Relatives,
In lieu of flowers the Haralambopoulos family would appreciate any donation made in Sotirios' honour to the Melanoma institute.

Donate Here

Any messages or tributes made on this page in his memory are also appreciated.
Thank you

Posted by Divinity Funerals 02/03/2022

I love you uncle simon very much and i miss you 

Posted by Lachie Giles 26/07/2024

Συλλυπητήρια στην οικογένεια Χαραλαμπόπουλος να ζήσετε να τον θυμόσαστε καλό παράδεισο Θόδωρος και Θέμη Μουτοπουλος  

Posted by Θεόδωρος και Θέμη Μουτοπουλος 07/03/2022

Simon was inspirational, with his fiercely optimistic attitude, courage and bravery. He never complained and battled like a warrior.

Simon was passionate about finding new treatment options for other patients and subsequently embarked on a number of clinical trials. Soon after having major lung surgery in 2019 he chose to complete the 28k 7 Bridges Walk to raise awareness and funds for Melanoma research. Despite the challenges of the past year he even completed a book.

Simon was a person who life shone out of, charismatic, funny, a loyal friend and a beautiful soul. We will miss you but will take you with us in our hearts for eternity, and will walk as "Team Simon" every year in your memory.

Rest well darling friend,

Amanda Rob and Mahé xxx

Posted by Amanda, Rob and Mahé Ward 06/03/2022

In loving memory of our dear friend Simon, whose positivity and courage is such an inspiration.

You'll be deeply missed and live on in our hearts forever.

Lots of love xxx

Posted by Christine, Chris, Andriana and Joshua 06/03/2022

Always smiling, always willing to chat and always made you feel good.

Rest in Peace, Simon. 

Posted by Andrew Papantoniou 03/03/2022