Host and organise all aspects of a funeral under one roof including funeral directors, reception venues or catering, custom invitations & live updates for guest.
Find funeral homes, reception venues, counsellors, lawyers, lenders and florists close to you
Not sure how to go about organising a funeral?
Start with our simple funeral planner to help you get from
A to Z with your funeral preparations.
The easy way to compare homes by:
Show dates, times and locations for an upcoming funeral
Guest can indicate if they are attending:
Share and collect tributes, images and videos of loved one.
Keep these in the one place together, creating an everlasting
digital memory of your departed to share with others 24/7.
Host and organise all aspects of a funeral under one roof including funeral director, venue, celebrant, suppliers, invitations and live updates for guests.
Heard about an upcoming funeral?
Check our directory to find the event and it's details
Register to help the family organising the day or send flowers.
Set up a memorial page for someone who has passed away and allow others to share and upload images, videos and testimonials.
Looking for someone special?
Check our memorial pages to find your dearly departed
We keep the memory of those near and dear for now and future generations
Find funeral homes, reception venues, counsellors, lawyers, lenders and florists close to you